

265小说 >> 足球裁决天下 >> 第64章 六十六 STAR

第64章 六十六 STAR 2/2



The stars are bright tonight

And I am walking nowhere

I guess I will be alright

Desire gets you nowhere

And you are always right

And my, you are so perfect

Take you as you are

I'll have you as you are

I'll take you as you are

I love you just the way you are

I'll have you just the way you are

I'll take you just the way you are7

Does anyone love the way they are?

The stars are bright tonight

A distance is between us

And I will be okay

The worst I've ever seen us

Still I have my weaknesses

Still I have my strengths

And still I have my ugliness

But I ...

I love you just the way you are

I'll have you just the way you are

I'll take you just the way you are

Does anyone love the way they are?

I love you just the way you are

I'll have you just the way you are

I'll take you just the way you are

Does anyone love the way they are?

Star, star...





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猜你喜欢: 凡人修仙传星辰变少帅你老婆又跑了抱歉,我夫人脑子有坑放开那个女巫然哥我:最强门卫秦大爷私密保姆在生存游戏做锦鲤我师兄实在太稳健了